Monday, 21 January 2013

So it begins...

So now that the time has finally come around, I thought I would start a blog... With the time difference, it is going to be almost impossible to keep everyone updated all of the time of what is happening and so I figured this the best way.

 Saying yes to come to Temecula in September, January seemed so far away... I know that for most of you, you didn't think I would really get on that plane and to be honest I surprised myself. Loneliness actually hurts a little bit... Quite a lot actually! It was saying the goodbyes that was definitely the hardest, as I got them over one by one slowly it got easier to come to terms with the fact I was actually going. Leaving Becky at the airport was a killer, who knew I thought so much of that wee Chinese - this adventure is made all the harder by the fact that I had to leave my wingman behind.

 After having a good old ball, I made my way through security where I continued to feel sorry for myself... And guess what? Walking through the barrier thing, I beeped. I hadn't even worn a watch so I couldn't figure why, until a lovely butch dyke asked me to 'step to the side, the machine had picked me at random...' Yeah right she-man... You seen me in the distance, wanted me and thought you would get an old feel... Well in any situation 'feel downs/ups' can be awkward with the 'feelee' not quite knowing where to look but in this case, I just decided to have a little cry while she was doing her check... The look of her she probably made most people she touched cry but as she got her thumbs under the waistband of my jeans, I continued to have tears dripping down my face... Needless to say she just looked at me and told me to go on.

 The first flight was grand, had a spare seat beside me and a foreign girl on the end seat... I was pretty much asleep before take off... I obviously wasn't in a deep sleep because I was aware that I was dreaming.. And at some point I was dreaming that someone was handing me a drink, and so I wakened, having my hand out in front of the girls face waiting for her to put the said drink in to it... She was looking at me like I had lost the plot and so I just nicely took my hand back to myself and closed my eyes again!. I never did come across her again - I did get a picture though!

 Serious rush to get connecting flight - at this point hadn't eaten anything since the 'last supper McDonald's' the previous night.. Contemplated latching on to the back of one of those little karts that you see seriously smug people sitting on the back of while you're running with a million (two!) bags but I wasn't feeling it for the lady (over weight, under worked, circularly challenged) driving it so I continued to walk/brisk run... Got there in the end and sure wouldn't I have had more than enough time to have gotten myself a egg mayo sandwich, a packet of O'Donnell cheese and onion, a ripple bar and a bottle of red BPM but alas no... They just had to rush me...

 Some issues with a family having the wrong seats... They thought they'd be smart and book them together and picked same letters obviously forgetting that there are 4 seats in a row on the international planes... The man first tried to trick me into thinking I was in fact in the wrong seat... BAD IDEA MISTER... (Now hungry, tired, emotionally drained, feeling sorry for myself and not to be messed with)... So I nicely (seriously defensively!) got my ticket out, and got up in his grill with it saying 'I think you'll find this is my seat'... To which he seemed taken back (scared!) and said 'oh I know, we picked the wrong seats checking in online and I just wondered if you'd mind swapping so my wife and other two kids can sit with us'... (Whoops!) I tried to redeem myself by being overly lovely but damage was done...

 The new seat was an upgrade, not with regards to class but with regards to the HOTTIE SITTING IN THE NEXT SEAT... So he was texting his girlfriend (Marie)I know this because I was reading his texts?.. It was in French but I could read enough to know he missed her and loved her and couldn't wait to see her arms again (or breasts.. Translation dependent - it could have been lay in her arms, but I'm pretty sure it was see her bosom)... Well anyway he was lovely, and I got a picture, he didn't talk much... He lent my pen... We nodded in agreement at the annoying crying children on the plane, and I offered him a diet coke (relationship foundations)

 Finally arrived after getting through a scary security bit (they're so mean)... And got my baggage (all of it. together. on one trolley. pulling it off the conveyer and hitting a child)..

 Getting the car was great fun... Got a kiss on the cheek from a crazy ass Mexican man (55 approx) and was on my way to Temecula. Had to stay in a hotel and it was fine.. Stopped and got a suckie to drown my sorrows and was finally there... And so it begins...!

 Ps 91v11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

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